Monday, May 20, 2013

Bob McDonnell launches “Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000” to increase adoption in VA

While national and local media outlets focus on political scandals, sensational stories of celebrity stupidity, and other such nonsense, thousands of children remain in Virginia’s foster care system. But on Friday, Gov. Bob McDonnell officially started the “Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000,” a program that hopes to match over 1,000 children in Virginia’s foster care system with 1,000 adoptive parents.

According to Equality Virginia, there are over 4,000 children in Virginia’s foster care system.

Gov. McDonnell’s Virginia Adopts campaign is all the more ambitious because Virginia law allows private 
adoption agencies to turn away prospective adoptees due to sexual orientation. For their part, Equality Virginia and the Family Equality Council have asked McDonnell to open Virginia’s doors of adoption to all parents who meet the qualifications. More important than the sexual orientation of the parents adopting a child is the love that they give.

If anyone needs evidence that heterosexual parents don’t always produce socially acceptable children, one need look no further than Virginia’s Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Last I checked, Cuccinelli had a mother and a father and look how badly he turned out!

The argument that same sex adoptees will somehow disrupt the normal growth a child or rupture American society’s social fabric are ludicrous. These arguments are based on nothing more than fear, fear of difference, fear of what is not completely familiar, fear of a changing world. And because of these fears, thousands of children could be suffering because same sex couples are discriminated against in Virginia’s adoption process.

If the mainstream media wants to report a scandal, this is it. 

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