Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dominion Virginia Power’s clean energy judo: do absolutely nothing while appearing to do a lot!

On Thursday, Dominion Virginia Fossil Fuel, I mean Dominion Virginia Power announced that it will install its first solar energy installation at Old Dominion University (ODU), part of Dominion’s “Solar Partnership Program,” otherwise known as deflecting environmentally pointed criticism by doing the bare minimum with clean energy to help rescue the planet.

At the horrendously insignificant cost (for Dominion) of $500,000, Dominion will install over 600 photovoltaic panels on the roof of ODU’s Student Recreation Center over the summer.

The photovoltaic panels will be able to generate 132 kilowatts of electricity that will feed into the power grid at the university. Accordingly, 132 kilowatts is able to power close to 35 homes.

But here is where the liars, double speak, and hypocrisy of Dominion Virginia Power starts to become unbearably odious. According to Dominion Virginia Power’s vice president for ‘customer solutions’ Ken Barker, “This new program [i.e., solar panels at ODU] is already encouraging the growth of solar energy in Virginia, as many other customers have contacted us and shown interest.” Uh, hey Ken, Virginians have been interested in solar power for quite some time now. It’s Dominion who has been (and still is) dragging their feet on solar power and thus, adding tremendously to the problem of murdering Mother Earth.

I remember vividly that beautiful day in Richmond when a representative from Dominion Virginia Power stood up in front of a senate committee and argued against allowing solar power to be used by not-for-profit organizations like churches on their buildings and/or properties. Dominion’s representative argued that allowing not-for-profits to have solar panels would open up Virginia’s energy sector to (wait for it!) de-centralization (and a big challenge to Dominion Virginia Power’s monopoly on electricity).

Of course, the senate committee was probably already leaning towards their campaign financing pimps in the first place, but the word ‘de-centralization’ struck a chord of fear into the hearts of these committee members. And thus, solar power was once again brushed under the rug in Virginia.

But now Dominion Virginia Power is gung-ho about supplying our state with power from the sun (as long as they’re in control). Dominion’s hypocrisy is truly astounding.

Let no Virginian be deceived, Dominion is very much against fossil fuel relief!

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